Publishing Design - Final

Week 1-14

Jordan Matthew Susanto

Publishing Design

Final Compilation


Final Submission

Task 01: Exercises

Exercise 1: Text Formatting

Excerise 2: Mockup Making

We have to make a mockup book in the class. This exercise is given for helping us to decide our book size. The book had to be between A4 and A5. The size that i test are:

1. 170mm x 240mm

2. 150mm x 220mm

3. 145mm x 210mm

Excerise 3: Folding System

Excerise 4: Van De Graaf

Excerise 5: Determining Grids

Task 02: Content Generation

Task 03A: Book

Complete Thumbnail Layout

Printed Book

Final Spreads

Final Book on Mockup

Task 03B: E-Book

Thumbnail Layout

Final Brand Guideline, PDF Interactive
*Document is best viewed downloaded and on google chrome

Final Brand Guideline JPG



This class has been ok and i quite enjoy it, honestly one of the modules this semester that i really enjoy. I think the best part was that we got to do some book tasks with so much creative freedom. It helped me remember all the stuff I learned in Typography like Indesign, designing a layout, and etc. This module made me take a breather and dig deep to remember what I learned before.


So, learning how to make cool layouts basically comes down to using your eyes. Honestly, before this semester, I had no clue what Publishing Design was about. I thought it was all just boring stuff. but was I pleasantly surprised! It's way more than that tons of possibilities within your given dimensions

I struggled with getting that edgy vibe at first. I'm used to playing it safe, But then I started checking out how others were doing their thing on Pinterest and Behance. It helped me step out of my comfort zone, which I desperately needed to do.


So, in this module, I discovered loads of ways to do layouts. Even with a basic grid system, you can go crazy with the end result. At first, I was kinda unsure about keeping things fresh with the styles I picked. But then, exercise that mr vinod's gave us saved me every time I felt stuck. It was a game-changer, especially when I was doing the Brand Guideline. My layout was all about using columns on my space.
