Advanced Typography - Task 2: Key Artwork and Collateral


Week 1
Jordan Matthew Susanto (0352661) BDCM
Advanced Typography
Task 2(A): Key Artwork & Task 2(B): Collateral


Lectures notes from week 1-5 were completed in Task 1 blog.


Fig 1 Instruction

Task (2A): Key Artwork

In this task, we can use our initial of our name or our name or our pet name. We have to explore and compose as many permutation and combination of these initial. The final key artwork must be an elegant solution, not complicated or confusing leads to a functional and communicable key artwork. The key artwork will subsequently be used in Task 2 (B) collateral. 

Fig 2.1 Digital Exploration

After I do some attempt I make a few design for this assigment. I choose the right second row design for the final design on this assignments. The meaning of this design is about my perspective of how i see design from my pint of view. I try to make it look like a face, ear, and brain with my initial. The J letter is for ear because I think design it's not just a visual thing but what you can hear like music. The dot one is for eyes because I think design works because human can see and how important eye is. and the m is for brain because I'm quite overthink person.

Final Design

Fig 3.1 Final Key Artwork - JPG

Fig 3.2 Final Key Artwork - PDF

Task (2B): Collateral

For this task we have to design a t-shirt, lapel pin, an animated key artwork an instagram account transforming a key artwork into a brand. The output must result form in-depth exploration and must communicate both visually and textually the desired message and mood set by the key artwork and its function. The animated key would be 800/1024 px, height and width


After thinking for sometime, I try to do the animation on after effects.

Fig 4.1 Animation Key Artwork

Instagram Layout

For the collaterals, i try to make it with mockup and this is the result.

Fig 5.1 Instagram Layout - JPG

Fig 5.2 Instagram Layout - PDF

For the experience I feel more familiar with the task that i got for typography. I feel like in this semester I have so much fun in this semester. The Task 2(A) I quite enjoy it making the key artwork with my initial. For Task 2(B) i quite satisfied with my result.

I realize how from one name there are many possibilities to explore as a designer. We have to make as many as possible to explore the possibilites on the design. 

I have better understanding of key artowrk and how collateral work.

Week 6
Try to make something that have more meaning

Week 7
Don't make something that gave a limit to myself and try to find the good reason for the design

Week 8
(N/A) Independent Learning Week

Further Readings

Fig 6 Monogram & Ciphers by Albert Angus Turbayne

From this book i learn about how Monograms, Ciphers, Trade-Marks, and other letter devices design work.
