Typography - Final Compilation

Week 11- Week 14
Jordan Matthew Susanto (0352661) BDCM
Final Compilation


Fig 1.1 Instrcution

Task 1: Type Expression & Text Formatting
Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication
Task 3A: Type Design & Communication (Font Design)
Task 3B: Type Design & Communication (Sticker Design)


Task 1: Excersise 1 - Type Expression
Week 1 - Week 4

Fih 2.1 Final Type Expression - JPG

Fig 2.2 Final Type Expression - PDF

Fig 2.3 Final Type Expression "Squeeze" - GIF

Task 1: Excersise 1 - Text Formatting
Week 4 - Week 6

Fig 2.4 Final Text Formatting - JPG

Fig 2.5 Final Text Formatting - PDF

Task 2: Typographic Exploration & Communication
Week 5 - Week 8

Fih 3.1 Final Typographic Exploration & Communication - JPG

Fig 3.2 Final Typographic Exploration & Communication - PDF

Task 3A: Type Design & Communication
Week 7 - Week 10

Fig 4.1 Final 3A: Type Design & Communication "CasualType" - JPG

Fig 4.2 "CasualType" Poster A4 - JPG

Fig 4.3 "CasualType" Poster A4 - PDF

Link for download: "CasualType"

Task 3B: Type Design & Communication
Week 11 - Week 13

Fig 5.1 Final Task 3B: Type Design & Communication B&W - PNG

Fig 5.1 Final Task 3B: Type Design & Communication Colour - PNG

Fig 5.2 Final Task 3B: Type Design & Communication B&W - PDF

Fig 5.3 Final Task 3B_ Type Design & Communication Colour - PDF


My experience when learning typograohy is pretty fun and interesting for me. I'm quite struggling at beginning of this module but, once I get used to work on this module I start to enjoying it. I was very happy that i can learn about typography cause, I know that someday i will use this skills in the future. To be able to make my own font is very fun to me although, I was not satisfied with my font. The project that we got is very fun but really-really consume a lot of time to doing it. So, if i make it on time I'm happy enough.  

With this module i learn a lot about the little details on the letters, characteristic of the letter and many more. I know how the consistent fonts should look alike. After i taking this module i start to do the research and take my attention to typography even more.

My finding is i found that typography is not just a letter or fonts or a words but it's more than that. There are a lot of rules that we have to follow in typography. Like, anatomy of the letter, lining, etc. I found that typography is an different art because of the guideline that we hav to follow. It's an different level.
