Typography - Task 3B: Type Design and Communication


Week 11- Week 14
Jordan Matthew Susanto (0352661) BDCM
Task 3B: Type Design & Communication (Sticker Design)


In this assignments we had to do what Mr. Vinod explain to us for this task, and we have to make a sticker for the messaging app (Telegram). Mr. Vinod provide us with a list of celebration and events to chosse. The event that we choose had to express it as typographically, and we can use ltlle bit graohical elements this time for this design. We need to input the Taylor's Uni logo and only use white, black, red for this task.


Fig 1.1 Instruction

Task 3B: Type Design & Communication

With the option that Mr. Vinod provide us, We have to choose our own event to work on this assignments. There some many option that Mr.Vinod gave us and it quite challanging for me to choose one of that option cause, there are so many interesting oprion that i want to work on. But, I decided to go with Chinese New Year event because i think is fit with the instruction that we only can use white, red, and black.

1. Visual Research

Fig 2.1 La Oriental Fonr

Fig 2.2 Modern Japanese Font

I was thinking what is chinese new year typography sticker would look like? And i got the idea to do it with some type of oriental font, and the i start to look at the reference. I got the reference from google (Fig 2.1 and Fig 2.2)

2. Digitilization

Fig 3.1 Typeface Designing

I start to create a typeface with the reference that i got on my visual research progress and this is the result ( Fig 3.1).
Fig 3.2 Sticker Attempt 1
Fig 3.3 Sticker attempt 2

I start to add some details on my design and this is the result (Fig 3.2 and Fig 3.3). After i attend the class and on the feedback session Mr. Vinod gave me a couple feedback for my design. So, the first one is I better remove the line on the chinese lamp because it will give me a problem in the future cause, we have to add white border at our sticker. The second is its better to put the lamp beside the happy word so it my sticker have more reasonable shapes.

Fig 3.4 Sticker attempt 3

After that i make some adjustment on my design and add a few things for this. On the feedback session Mr. Vinod said i cannot use the yellow color. I think it was orange and orange is red color derivative (mayne) haha. Fun fact about me, that i'm a little bit colour blind when i was do the colour blind test, sooo haha. Mr. Vinod told me maybe i can use white colour or grey to replace the yellow colour for my sticker

Fig 3.5 Sticker attempt 4

And the i fix my design and add little bit more details in it. After this i add the white border for my design. so, my design is work on telegram.

Fig 3.6 Sticker attempt 5

Fig 3.7 Import Sticker to Telegram Process #1

Fig 3.8 Import Sticker to Telegram Process #2

Fig 3.9 Import Sticker to Telegram Process #3

Fig 3.10 Sucesfull to import my sticker to telegram

Final Result

Fig 4.1 TU-ChineseNewYear-B&W-PNG

Fig 4.2 TU-ChineseNewYear-B&W-PDF

Fig 4.3 TU-ChineseNewYear-Colour-PNG

FIg 4.4 TU-ChineseNewYear-Colour-PDF

Sticker Imported with Telegram's Sticker Bot


Week 11
General Feedback: Make a better sketch.

Week 12
General Feedback: I have to Restructure my design
Specific Feedback: I make a pretty good typeface, remove the line in the lamp

Week 13
General Feedback: Pretty good but, need some adjustment
Specific Feedback: Add some details in m=my design and i cannot use yellow


This is my first time to make some kid of typography expressive sticker for telegram. I quite enjoy doing this and i think this is the first typography task that i feel i can use my creativity effectively. I'm really enjoy the process of making this design from beginning and i think i learn a lot from this task.

I try to find a reference of oriental fonts and i notice and realize how to make a acceptable oriental fonts. i observe the taits that oriental fonts have.

With this task i learn how to create a proper sticker design and how importing sticker in telegram works.

Further Reading
