Typography - Task 3A: Type Design and Communication


Week 9-11
Jordan Matthew Susanto (0352661) BDCM
Task 3A: Type Design & Communicatin (Font Design)



Fig 1.1 Instruction

Task 3A: Type Design and Communication

Mr. Vinod told us to do some researches before we start this Task 3A. We need to understand about the anatomy of font such as baseline, ascender line, cap height, and median line.

Fig 2.1 Typography anatomy

To make the consistency on font "O" is very important. if it's not the letter like a. c. e. p, etc. will not have the consistencty in it.

Fig 2.2 "e" letter deconstruction

Fig 2.3 "a" letter deconstruction

Fig 2.4 "n" letter deconstruction

Fig 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 is my attempt to deconstruction a, e, n letter to help me more understanding the anatomy and construction of Serifa Std.

Fig 2.5 Sketch 1

fig 2.6 Sketch 2

Fig 2.5 and 2.6 is mt sketching attempt for this task. Mr. Vinod said he think the only sketches that might work is the first sketch on Fig 2.5. And after that i continue my process to digitization of my font.

fig 2.7 1st Attempt of Digitization

I make the digitization of my font sketches. At first in this process i feel that i've been struggling with makin a shape of my font and it makes this font not consistent.  When in feedback session Mr. Vinod gave me a hint to fix my font design and i got a new idea to fix this design. 

fig 2.8 "o" letter

The first thing i make is the o letter. Just like what i said "o" letter helps you to make your font consistent. and then i create the rest

fig 2.9 Final Typeface design

Ascender: 657pt
Capital Height: 636pt
Median Line: 500pt
Baseline: 0pt
Descender: -168pt

After this process i continue to put our typeface design to fontlab

fig 2.10 Ascender, Descender, Line gap setting on fontlab

fig 2.11 Cap Height and x height settings on fontlab

fig 2.12 My Typeface Settings.

and then, i copy my typeface to the fontlab

Fig 2.13 Copying Into fontlab

Fig 2.14 Required letter.

And i started to kerning the required alphabet and word " make type great again"

Fig 2.15 Kering Process

After i export my font design from fontlab i start to designin my poster

2.16 Process Poster

Final Submission

Fig 3.1 Final Typeface "CasualType"

Link = " CasualType "

Fig 3.2 Final Poster Design

Fig 3.3 Final Poster Design - PDF


Week 9
General Feedback: Need to explore more
Specific Feedback: Can go with sketch 1

Week 10
General Feedback: I seem to struggling when making the shapes
Specific Feedback: Make an "o" letter first. so the typeface can be more consistent. nice touch on "t" letter.


Task 3 is pretty challanging for me but also interesting experience. i never designin a font before and this is my first time so, i learn a lot from this task. I learn about the measurement for font, how important is the "o" letter, etc.

I always observed a details when designin font. I'm looking at pinterest for a reference and make a proper typeface. And i really know how iportant is the measurement to make a typeface.

I know how to designin a typeface and how to use a fontlab.

Further Reading

Fig 4.1 Typeface Design & Font Making Process w/Mark Davis
