Advanced Typography - Final Compilation and Reflection


Week 1 - Week 14
Jordan Matthew Susanto (0352661) BDCM
Advanced Typography
Task 4: Final Compilation and Reflection


Task 1: Typographic System and Type and Play

Task 2: Key artwork and Colaterral

Task 3: Type Exploration and Application

Fig 1.1 Instruction


Task 1: Excersise 1 - Typographic System

Fig 1.1 Axial System

Fig 1.2 Radial System

Fig 1.3 Dilational System

Fig 1.4 Random System

Fig 1.5 Grid System

Fig 1.6 Transition System

Fig 1.7 Modular System

Fig 1.8 Bilateral System


Fig 2.1 PDF-Without Grid

Fig 2.2 PDF-Without Grid

Task 1: Excersise 2 - Finding Types Part 1

Fig 3.1 Final Type Design

Fig 3.2 Apllication 1

Fig 3.3 aplliation 2


Fig 4.1 Application 1 - PDF

Fig 4.2 Final Type Finding

Fig 4.3 aplliation 2
Task 1: Excersise 2 - Finding Types Part 2

Fig 5.1 Finding Type Part 2 Final


Fig 6.1 Final Finding Type Part 2 - PDF

Task 1: Excersise 2 - Finding Types Part 1

Fig 7.1 Final Key Artwork

Fig 7.2 Final Animation Key Artwork

Fig 7.3 Final Instagram Layout


Fig 8.1 Final Instagram Layout-PDF

Task 3: Type Exploration

Fig 9.1 Proposal 

Fig 9.2 Complete Typeface

Fig 9.3 Application 1

Fig 9.4 Application 2

Fig 9.3 Application 3

Fig 9.3 Application 4

Fig 9.3 Application 5


Fig 10 Final-PDF

I feel that in advanced typograhy we gaven more freedom to our design it is not happen in typography. I feel the typography is really difficult at semester 1 because it really strict but this semester i feel it became more interesting. I found a couple of the task that been gaven to us is really interesting and help me to have more understanding of typography.

I observe that sometime i still not good at managing time when do the typography work and it affect my result from my work. I observe that many things on typography use a grid system and it can be translated to another design as well. I like advance typography gave us the freedom but sometimes it makes me overthink what im gonna do and i end up choosing not the best one

I found almost all typography work required the designer to have a critical thinking and all of aspect of the typography is have to have a meaning on it. Typography it's not just a letter it's about how identity of letter itself. The uniqueness, the meaning, the branding is really importnat for typography.
